A bot to win Kahoots
The one and only working Kahoot answer hack
The best Kahoot cheat client (TUI)
A Kahoot hack made in vanilla js. Just copy-paste to console and you are ready to cheat. Also downloadable to Tampermonkey.
The one and only working Kahoot answer hack
This bot will get you a perfect score on any (public) Kahoot game. (Proof of Concept)
kahoot from here https://www.yaagame.com/2023/10/tool-to-send-bots-to-kahoot-games.html
Kahoot cheat (use in browser)
🖥️ 🤖 A simple program to flood kahoot games with bots
It spams Kahoot games, what else. Bots will not random answer questions, so I recommend spamming on the loading screen, might add the ability to randomly answer questions in the future.
This is a clone that we've tried to program using NodeJS. Enriched with Kahoot features & Studyeze Frameworks
Very bad multitool discontinued and made when i was nub
Main file is bots.py
a simple script that gens a shit ton of kahoot.com accs
A working Kahoot Bot using Python3 and Selenium