Jspreadsheet is a lightweight JavaScript data grid component for creating interactive data grids with advanced spreadsheet controls.
翻译 - jExcel是一个轻巧的香草javascript插件,可创建与Excel或任何其他电子表格软件兼容的基于Web的惊人的交互式表格和电子表格。
Jspreadsheet Pro | The javascript spreadsheet
Plugins and Editors for JSpreadsheet Pro 7, Pro 8 and Pro 9
The JSS Formula Premium is a JavaScript software to parse and execute spreadsheet-like formulas. It handles ranges, variables, worksheets, and a great number of formulas available in other spreadsheet...
A Demo using JExcel (https://bossanova.uk/jexcel/v3/) and QCObjects (https://qcobjects.dev) together
Java practice with example
[2017] Java application which generates data and uses JExcelApi to save it to an Excel spreadsheet. Used to generate data for a IB Math Studies Internal Assessment.