Fast thread-safe inmemory cache for big number of entries in Go. Minimizes GC overhead
翻译 - 快速的线程安全内存高速缓存,用于Go中的大量条目。最大限度地减少GC开销
#搜索#Infinispan is an open source data grid platform and highly scalable NoSQL cloud data store.
Kronotop is a Redis-compatible, distributed and transactional document database backed by FoundationDB.
Pillars for Transactional Systems and Data Grids
A FastAPI Framework for things like Database, Redis, Logging, JWT Authentication, Rate Limits and Sessions
NET6,CQRS,Caching,Logging,Repository Pattern,UnitOfWork,JWT,Refresh Token,Email Confirmation,Forgot Password
High performance and lightweight in-memory cache library with LRU and FIFO support as well as memory-usage-based-eviction
Simple, Typed and Powerful memory cache in Typescript ✨
gotcha: inmemory-cache in Go (Golang) with customizable algorithm
ASP.NET Core Web API Project implemented with Clean Architecture Pattern
Let's learn Caching in ASP.NET Core. Caching is a technique of storing the frequently accessed/used data so that the future requests for those sets of data can be served much faster to the client.
Simple in-memory key-value storage with TTL for each record.
Unlu&Co Patika Bootcamp Homeworks
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis provides data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets ...
Devnot üzerinde ".NET Core StackExchange Redis ile Distributed Cache" adlı yazının kaynak kodlarını içermektedir.
Make your dotnet core apps shine by using caching without cluttering your projects.
A simple example explaining how to use redis and a database and cache
.Net cache framework for connecting to any caches including in memory cache and Redis from dotnet, dotnet-core and Xamarin forms.