Fast init for Linux. Cookies included
翻译 - Linux系统的快速初始化。包括饼干
Neo-InitWare is a modular, cross-platform reimplementation of the systemd init system. It is experimental.
Horust is a supervisor / init system written in rust and designed to run inside containers.
The InitWare Suite of Middleware allows you to manage services and system resources as logical entities called units. Its main component is a service management ("init") system.
翻译 - 中间件的 InitWare 套件允许您将服务和系统资源作为称为单元的逻辑实体进行管理。它的主要组件是一个服务管理(“init”)系统。
Website for arguments against systemd and further resources
#安卓#📝 Kernel module that can be used as a replacement for syslog, logger or logwrapper
Ansible role to set up (the latest or a specific version of) supervisor in Debian-like systems
A modular, high-performance, modern init daemon in C#.
Small init system with templated config files; to be used as container entrypoint
A trivial process manager for containers and applications
My aesthetic dotfiles configuration.