#安卓#🔮图片浏览器,支持图片手势缩放、拖拽等操作,`自定义View`的模式显示,自定义图片加载方式,更加灵活,易于扩展,同时也适用于RecyclerView、ListView的横向和纵向列表模式,最低支持版本为Android 3.0及以上...
#安卓#Pure java based, highly customizable media slider gallery supporting both images and videos for android.
#IOS#LBJMediaBrowser 是一个在 SwiftUI 框架下实现的图片视频浏览器。(LBJMediaBrowser is a media browser implemented with SwiftUI.)
#安卓#PhotoBrowse is an Android photo browser that supports dragging off 图片浏览器,支持拉下拖动关闭
FYPhoto is a photo/video picker and image browser library for iOS written in pure Swift. It is feature-rich and highly customizable to match your App's requirements.
#安卓#IRecyclerView上下拉刷新, 图片浏览器,动画展示原图,原图支持手势移动缩放退出仿微信效果,以及支持移动不缩放退出防今日头条效果仿
#IOS#A simple image browser. Supports UIImage, URL, and GIF.
TTAImageBrowser is A Image Browser that you can broswe the image from net, local path, imageData and image
A convenient and easy photo browser for your iOS app