History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools...
翻译 - History.js在所有浏览器中都优雅地支持HTML5历史记录/状态API(pushState,replaceState,onPopState)。包括对数据,标题,replaceState的持续支持。支持jQuery,MooTools和Prototype。对于HTML5浏览器,这意味着您可以直接修改URL,而无需再使用哈希。对于HTML4浏览器,它将恢复为使用旧的onhashchange功能。
📂 jQuery / Zepto lightweight tabs plugin
Loadify.js = jQuery + Anchors + Ajax + HTML5 History API.
Minimal HTML5 history API wrapper // Mirror of https://git.chor.date/Conduitry/story
Testing the HTML5 History API with infinite scroll and pagination (infinite scroll+pagination created by Tim Severien (https://codepen.io/timseverien/pen/XXYaZe))
Frontend for a small news site made with Vue without using Vue Router but using instead my own router based on HTML5 History API as well. Is built for educational purposes mostly.