150+ HTML5 Website Templates
翻译 - 150+ Website Templates
Free static HTML website templates created using the Slides - https://designmodo.com/slides/
翻译 - 使用幻灯片创建的免费静态HTML网站模板-https://designmodo.com/slides/
170 HTML5 Website Templates - free editable templates
A set of Bootstrap & Tailwind based website templates ready to be used to create stunning websites.
A minimal, responsive and dynamic Student Dashboard project made up using HTML, CSS & JavaScript
DevExpress .NET Controls Documentation for End Users
An opinionated starting point and build system for awesome, collaboratively-edited HTML websites
In this tutorial we will be creating a responsive food website using html, css, javascript and bootstrap
Crystal HTML and Bootstrap Website Template
🐧🐦 Generate HTML pages for Twitter statuses.
Multipage website with active links and responsive layout made with HTML 5 only.
The simple HTML website for Masterpoint ❤️
My website is dedicated to my creative projects. Explore a collection of diverse projects, each with its own story.
Discord Leveling Bot, along with a custom economy, online shop and Docs
Please have a look at my website.
A simple HTML website template with instructions for how to host it on GitHub (Manila folder style).
I'm Learning HTML so this Repository is where I will store my code after I test if it works
Mini Projects using HTML, CSS & JS
This repo contains an official assignment of Fullstack based on the concepts of HTML & CSS.