-- a Linux Privilege Escalation Check Script
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#A curated list of awesome privilege escalation
A next generation version of enum4linux (a Windows/Samba enumeration tool) with additional features like JSON/YAML export. Aimed for security professionals and CTF players.
Offensive Docker is an image with the more used offensive tools to create an environment easily and quickly to launch assessment to the targets.
A standalone python script which utilizes python's built-in modules to enumerate SUID binaries, separate default binaries from custom binaries, cross-match those with bins in GTFO Bin's repository & a...
elevate to SYSTEM any way we can! Metasploit and PSEXEC getsystem alternative
Nightingale Docker for Pentesters is a comprehensive Dockerized environment tailored for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment. It comes preconfigured with all essential tools and utilities...
All knowledge I gained from CTFs, real life penetration testing and learning by myself.
HTNotes - Make your Hack The Box notes with Obsidian
Interact with Hackthebox using your terminal - Be faster and more competitive !
A fast network scanning tool to detect open ports and security vulnerabilities
ADAT is a small tool used to assist CTF players and Penetration testers with easy commands to run against an Active Directory Domain Controller. This tool is is best utilized using a set of known cred...
How to utilize tools such as Fail2ban and PortSentry to detect and block people that try to scan your Kali Linux machine for open ports or launch attacks against your apache web server and more
CPH:SEC WAES: Web Auto Enum & Scanner - Auto enums website(s) and dumps files as result
Writeups for all the HTB machines I have done
[180+ scripts] There are a few genuine gems in there. And a lot of spaghetti code. Most of these scripts were for solving CTF's. If you googles something for a CTF and landed here look at the scripts...
All cheetsheets with main information from HTB CBBH role path in one place.