MockServer enables easy mocking of any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS with clients written in Java, JavaScript and Ruby. MockServer also includes a proxy that introspects all proxied tra...
翻译 - MockServer可以轻松模拟通过HTTP或HTTPS与使用Java,JavaScript和Ruby编写的客户端集成的任何系统。 MockServer还包括一个代理,可对所有代理流量进行自检,包括加密的SSL流量,并支持端口转发,Web代理(即HTTP代理),HTTPS隧道代理(使用HTTP CONNECT)和SOCKS代理(即动态端口转发)。
MockServer javascript client for browsers, Node.js or any grunt build
Myth - Postprocessor that polyfills CSS
Node.js module and grunt plugin to start and stop MockServer and MockServer Proxy
Transpile ES2015 generator functions to ES5
Grunt plugin for generating Mac OS X DMG-images.
A grunt task which takes a html file, finds all the css, js links and images, and outputs a version with all the css, js and images (Base64) written inline.
Deploys a build/deploy directory to the WordPress SVN repo. ⚠️ This Grunt plugin is no longer being maintained and developed. An alternative is the Pronamic CLI library:
Convert text encoding and replace charset code.
A Grunt plugin for removing empty strings from JSON files