Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete
翻译 - 删除Discord频道或DM中的所有消息(轻松快速)批量删除
A script allowing you to download images and videos from Telegram web even if the group restricts downloading.
#算法刷题#🚀AcWing 助手,学算法就上 AcWing!| 题目复制 | 生成题解模板 | 切换页面风格 (AcWing <-> LeetCode) | 复制代码 | 题目直接跳转 | 一键填写样例 | LeetCode 题目一键跳转 AcWing LeetCode 究极班题目资源页面(支持中文版和国际版)| 添加功能开关(是否记住页面风格、题目页面隐藏桌面文件夹)| 生成页面内容导航 TOC | 首页...
An Auto-Answer script for Duolingo that allows you to grind XP and Lingots.
undiscord with active development
Redirect YouTube to an Invidious instance.
Script para eliminar videos de la playlist ver más tarde en youtube, cuenta con un botón para comenzar a eliminar y otro para deter la elimianción, solo hay que estar parado en la página de ver más ta...
a user scripts to add button to copy toot's url