OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID Tr...
翻译 - OrientDB是功能最齐全的DBMS,在一个多模型产品中支持图形,文档,反应式,全文,地理空间和键值模型。 OrientDB可以运行分布式(多主数据库),支持SQL,ACID事务,全文本索引和反应式查询。 OrientDB Community Edition是使用宽松的Apache 2许可证的开放源代码。
Expressive Reasoning Graph Store (ERGS) is an OWL reasoner and an RDF triple store built on top of a Property Graph architecture.
Docker image for Apache Jena's Fuseki SPARQL endpoint
An SQL storage implementation for graph data structures.
Graph Visualization and PageRank of the Yelp Social Recommender Network
ATTX Provenance service for exposing provenance related information.