GOV.UK Frontend contains the code you need to start building a user interface for government platforms and services.
One place for service teams to find styles, components and patterns for designing government services.
Quick Sketchapp wireframing tool for UK government digital services
Write documentation using Markdown and publish it using GOV.UK styles.
GOV.UK Design System Community Backlog
An implementation of the GOV.UK Design System in React that provides support for writing internal applications in addition to public ones.
Documentation and discussion for the architecture of GOV.UK Design System
Build flexible technical documentation with a GOV.UK style using MkDocs
Stylelint configuration for SCSS and CSS projects
Implementation of GOV.UK Design System components in Ruby on Rails
govuk-frontend compatible React components
GOV.UK Frontend Nunjucks templates converted to Twig
A web app for rendering GOV.UK Nunjucks templates
Example code for using govuk-react-jsx
FreeMarker templates for GOV.UK design system components
Scripts that helps the GOV.UK Design System team support users
#大语言模型#An intelligent search bar to improve accessibility on GOV.UK/NHS.UK pages using OpenAI
A simple CloudFoundry app to redirect to our service domain
Basic Express and Nunjucks server to get you started with the GOV.UK Design System
Repo for the automated collection and analysis of GOV.UK Frontend use via github