#博客#💻 Democratizing Snippet Management (macOS/Win/Linux)
翻译 - nip使代码片段管理民主化(macOS / Win / Linux)
Semi-automated, feedback-driven tool to rapidly search through troves of public data on GitHub for sensitive secrets.
翻译 - 半自动化,反馈驱动的工具,可在GitHub上的大量公共数据中快速搜索敏感机密。
#博客#(No longer maintained) A simple code snippet & gist manager for developers built with Electron & Vue.js 🚀
翻译 - 适用于使用Electron&Vue.js构建的开发人员的简单代码段和要点管理器🚀
Snip is a lightweight snippets manager app for macOS
GistLog - simple, easy blogging based on GitHub gists
A powerful tool to concurrently clone, pull, or fork user and org repos and gists to create a GitHub archive.
#编辑器#Run Roslyn Gists
#网络爬虫#Extensible paste site scraper written in Golang.
A Quarto extension to embed social media content
🎯 Creating DartPad Snippets Made Easy
Build a server rendered Vue.js blog with Nuxt and Vuex using API Gist as backend
翻译 - 使用API Gist作为后端使用Nuxt和Vuex构建服务器渲染的Vue.js博客
turns a Github repo into a pastebin
#Awesome#Make your life easier with these awesome resources: 🚀 Interview Preparation, Readme Stats, Online Tools, Chrome Extensions, Portfolio Websites and many more!
A Python application that sync Github Gists and save them to Evernote notebook as screenshots.