Secrets Store CSI driver for Kubernetes secrets - Integrates secrets stores with Kubernetes via a CSI volume.
An Argo CD plugin to retrieve secrets from Secret Management tools and inject them into Kubernetes secrets
Google Secret Manager provider for the Secret Store CSI Driver.
minimalistic init system for containers with AWS/GCP secrets support
FastAPI on Cloud Run v2: Terraform setup, GitHub Actions CI, Cloud Build triggers, Secret Manager integration
A simple Springboot microservice on Google Cloud (GCP). This project is part of a hands-on series that demos how to use GCP services for deploying cloud-native apps.
golang autocert cache implementation for GCP Secret Manager
Manage GCP Secret Manager with Terraform
#安全#Repository for CC client-side field level encryption
A simple golang package for accessing secrets on Google Cloud Secret Manager.
A Kubernetes mutating webhook that performs templated replacements on Secrets and ConfigMaps using providers like GCP Secret Manager. Simple and flexible secret management.
Store TLS certificates for Caddy web server or CertMagic library in Google Cloud Platform's Secret Manager
Migrating a real-world Java Springboot microservice to GCP
Allow Go applications to easily interface with popular secret management services and reduce secret ingestion boiler-plate.
Fetch secrets from cloud secrets managers.
Python library that streamlines API key management for Generative AI applications
Shell scripts for scaffolding Google Cloud Platform services, buckets, secrets nd more.
SecretManager class with a couple of methods I use to create a secret value in Secretmanager and retrieve the value of stored secret for reuse.
GCP Secret Manager Missing Features
Cloud Function that uses an http trigger, request that on an restFul API from a remote server and stored the result in Cloud Storage. The CLoud Function uses Google Secret Manager to hide any secrets.