#数据库#MariaDB server is a community developed fork of MySQL server. Started by core members of the original MySQL team, MariaDB actively works with outside developers to deliver the most featureful, stable,...
翻译 - MariaDB服务器是社区开发的MySQL服务器分支。由原始MySQL团队的核心成员开始,MariaDB与外部开发人员积极合作,以提供业内功能最强大,最稳定和最合理的开放式SQL服务器。
🦭 Run and operate MariaDB in a cloud native way
Automated installation of MariaDB Galera Cluster using Ansible
Kubernetes / OpenShift Images for a MariaDB Galera Cluster
PHP Universal Database Library - connects to and generates queries for SQL Servers
Helm chart for deploying MariaDB Galera Cluster on Kubernetes
Ghi chép tổng quan về giải pháp High Availability cho Web Server, Databases,...
Ansible playbook for deploying mysql 5.7 galera cluster with HAproxy as load balancer
Shell script to check and report the status of a Galera node to HAproxy
MariaDB Galera Cluster in Docker Containers. Find images at https://hub.docker.com/r/ustcweizhou/mariadb-cluster
🖥 A Set of Bash Scripts for Monitoring Services and Stacks
docker compose to cluster redis, etcd, mysql + monitoring tools
UI for monitoring and administering MaxScale servers.
MariaDB galera cluster, with auto-discovery
A simple monitoring plugin to check if MySQL/MariaDB host can do write operations. Supports Galera Cluster.
An Ansible Role that installs and configures MariaDB / Galera on RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu.