The Tao of Unix Programming (Ruby-powered ANSI colored fortunes)
翻译 - Unix编程之道(Ruby驱动的ANSI彩色运程)
Receive inspiration from Eno all day, whilst in the stark environs of the command line!
Promise-based interface for Wikiquote (
🥠 Database of programming wisdom fortune cookies for the fortune program
Collection of quotes we like. Inspired to create this project by Hamlet D'Arcy and Dale Manthei.
Companion CLI for wikiquote package (
A selfhosted way to create images with quotations using BASH and imagemagick
BitchX Fortunes for Linux
📱 A react-native app for the fortunes R package
FunAPI provides random compliments, fortunes, pizza ideas, life truths, and thoughts
Fortunes mades from quotes from the Warhammer and Warhammer 40000 worlds.
Collection of fortune-cookies 🍪 to lighten up (or darken down) the mood when opening terminal sessions
Reconstruction of fortune(6)'s source history
A database of quotes from the Godfather of zombies - the late great George A. Romero - for the Unix fortune cookie.