学之思开源考试系统是一款 java + vue 的前后端分离的考试系统。主要优点是开发、部署简单快捷、界面设计友好、代码结构清晰。支持web端和微信小程序,能覆盖到pc机和手机等设备。 支持多种部署方式:集成部署、前后端分离部署、docker部署。
A collection of question papers for all subjects for all available years.
翻译 - 收集所有可用年份所有学科的试卷。
Examination Management System
Mathematisches Übungsgruppen- und Scheinlisten-Interface
A simple C# project for Examination Management System.
A web based system in which students and teachers can interact, post messages, search for other official information.
Few of the Data Flow Diagrams are made available in this repository for reference and learning purposes. Generally Students/Developers study about this under course Software Engineering.
Anyexam is an educational solution to improve the education system by making computer-based tests easy and friendly either for organization recruitment or school assessments.
This is my final year project on digitalization of my department. The system will serve the management to reduce cycle times, faster keep track of data, and improve the service, increase information s...
An Offline Examination Desktop Application in Java.
Automate traditional examination system
Deployed a website for the Online Quiz Management. It contains modules for students, instructors and as well for the administrators. The front-end and the server-end is implemented using ASP.NET with ...
Final Year Project : A Examination System that helps syncronise invigilation with examination management / tracking
This examination management system project is a proposal for a new system for taking and giving exams. Since the examination tenure is short but complex, it aims at reducing the time for every step. I...
INGInious SEB-compatible exam plugin
Examine is an assessment or examination management tool that helps instructors create, publish and analyze examinations/assessments
A project on Examination Management System developed using VB.net for front-End and MySQL for Back-end
The selector site for the projection tools used in the main hall.