React Plugin Architecture for Draft.js including Slack-Like Emojis, FB-Like Mentions and Stickers
翻译 - 用于Draft.js的React插件架构,包括类似Slack的表情符号,类似FB的提及和贴纸
Add syntax highlighting support to your DraftJS editor
#编辑器#Add IDE-like behaviours to code blocks in your DraftJS editors
#编辑器#Embed links with into your draft-js editor
#编辑器#📝 Better lists for Draft.js
Just another Draft.js markdown plugin.
Django integration of Draftail, a configurable rich text editor built with Draft.js
Checkable list plugin for Draft.js
#编辑器#Add Giphy support in your draft-js editor.
#编辑器#Embed a local image in your draft-js editor
This plugin allows replaces the handlebars syntax with visual placeholders.
#编辑器#Add Unsplash images in your draft-js editor.
A plugin for use with draft-js-plugins-editor and aws-amplify.
📝🧾 Tables support for the Draftail Draft.js editor.
Custom image upload passing option build upon draft-js-drag-n-drop-upload-plugin of draft-js-plugins
HuYeFen student web app, make by umijs, dva and more with dark theme.
Web Technology Project. In partial fulfilment of the award of degree of in CSE at GGSIPU 🎓. Here we have tried to clone the famous website for creative writers "medium" in our styl...