NHibernate Object Relational Mapper
Welcome to the Bot Framework SDK for .NET repository, which is the home for the libraries and packages that enable developers to build sophisticated bot applications using .NET.
翻译 - 欢迎使用Bot Framework SDK for .NET存储库,该库是库和软件包的主页,使开发人员能够使用.NET构建复杂的机器人应用程序。
This repository contains Hands on Test Driven Development Katas (C#)
#Awesome#Awesome CMS Core is an open source CMS built using ASP.Net Core & ReactJS with module seperation concern in mind and provide lastest trend of technology like .Net Core, React, Webpack, SASS, Backgroun...
Automatically download subtitles for your movies
Z00bfuscator is the simple, open-source, cross-platform obfuscator for .NET Assemblies built on .NET Core
Ecommerce in .net core 2.2, C#, MediaTr, CQRS, DDD, Autofac, DI, Entity Framework Core, Memory Cache, Serilog
A reactive way to make HTTP Request in .NET Core 🚀
基于Epplus开发的Excel(支持excel 2007及之后版本)通用导入导出类库(支持.net core)。两套实现机制:1.基于特性实现的导入、导出(侵入式)2.基于模板实现的导入、导出(非侵入式)
ASP.Net Core Web API with Docker Compose, PostgreSQL and EF Core.
Attendance Web Application using .NET Core (CQRS pattern) & Vue.js
Lumisoft NET & Lumisoft MailServer for .NET Core 2.0 (and framework 4.5/4.6.1) - ported to Linux
InsecurePowerShellHost is a .NET Core host process for InsecurePowerShell, a version of PowerShell Core v6.0.0 with key security features removed.
A Serilog sink that writes events to the NewRelic Logs.
🧰 🛠️ Crispy Waffle project - toolkit for .NET projects
AsyncServerClient is the simple, open-source, cross-platform Async TCP Server-Client project (with SQL and 3-Way Handshaking support) for .NET Assemblies built in .NET Core
.Net Core 2.2 > SPA Application with VueJS/Vuex/WebPack 4/Picnic CSS/Fontello
A .net solution that has code examples in C# for most used design patterns.
transform html to pdf/image ,base on wkhtmltox and dotnet core 2.0