Obtain (wildcard) certificates from let's encrypt using dns-01 without the need for API access to your DNS provider.
Let's Encrypt setup instructions for Ubiquiti EdgeRouter using DNS-01
📜 Automatic SSL Certificate Generation for Duck DNS Domains
🐳 The Caddy Docker image built with the Cloudflare DNS module
Caddy Docker image with Cloudflare DNS module
Automatically generate/renew Let's Encrypt certificates with Certbot on NameSilo DNS
Cloudflare hook bash for dehydrated - DNS-01 Challenge Let's Encrypt
Get publicly trusted certificate via ACME protocol from LetsEncrypt or from BuyPass
A small cli utility for automating the letsencrypt dns-01 challenge for domains hosted by inwx.
🌐 Use netcup CCP/DNS-API for ACME's dns-01 challenge
Caddy with integrated support for Cloudflare DNS-01 ACME verification challenges.
Autorenew LetsEncrypt certificates with Certbot DNS-01 on NameSilo DNS
Hurricane Electric DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
Ansible based hooks for dehydrated to enable ACME certificate automation for F5 BIG-IP systems
Official HCL Domino V12 Certificate Manager DNS TXT API repository
Let's Encrypt/Dehydrated dns-01 challenge hook using RFC2136 Dynamic DNS Updates.
Let's Encrypt ssl cert management via Dehydrated with tsig dns-01 verification and Sophos UTM update hooks.
Certbot hook to solve a DNS-01 challenge using the TransIP API. Wildcard certs supported & Docker image available! 🔐
Cloudflare Worker for ACME DNS-01 validation with granular client ACLs