A Laravel 5.8 API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds.
翻译 - Laravel 5.8 API样板文件,可在几秒钟内创建现成的REST API。
Lumen with JWT Authentication, Dingo API and CORS Support
Well Documented Laravel Starter App From Development to Production. For Full Blown RESTFUL API and SPA with Beautiful UI Using Buefy / ElementUi For Reusable Vue Components
A middleware to switch fractal serializers in dingo
laravel 5.4 , vue 2 , SPA and API ready
Lumen and ReactJS App with Dingo/Api, JWT
Laravel5 JSONAPI and Dingo together to build APIs fast
An API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds.
MyCampus RestAPI is a simple restapi project for academic information system, build on the top of Laravel PHP Framework using Dingo and JWT for authentication
With Laravel 7.* ,The construction of an advanced restaurant website application that I have developed.
This project allows to create Posts, Categories via an interface API type
Popular dependency injection libraries usage examples
Api untuk react-perpustakaan-client