Wiki page for Bot Designer for Discord
MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
Simple Moderation Discord Bot With Library DBD.js
Advanced Config Editor for Dead by Daylight. Change settings such as Post-Processing, Texture Quality, FPS Uncap and more!
Dead by Daylight Auto AFK script for farming XP and Rift Fragments.
Eclipsed.Light is a unlocker for Dead By Daylight Skins, Killers, Survivors, Items, Perks and more
DBD::CSV - DBI driver for CSV files
SRBG is a perk roulette tool for 'Dead by Daylight' (DbD) game. It includes an overlay widget and can generate both useful and pure random builds using varied features and constraints.
Simplifies server selection to connect to any Dead by daylight servers
Some structured Dead by Daylight data.
A Dead by daylight Mod installer that supports both Epic games and Steam with Pak bypass.
Prácticas y material de diseño de bases de datos, cursada 2do semestre 2022- Facultad de informática UNLP
[OUTDATED] Pinning ssl bypass for Dead by Daylight