Open Control Plane for Tables in Data Lakehouse
"바로 쓰는 오라클 클라우드 - Build and Delploy Modern Apps with Oracle Cloud"의 전체 소스코드 저장소입니다.
Projeto dbt do Data Lake da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde
Connecting prestodb with external databases like mongodb, elasticsearch, mysql, hadoob etc to manipulate big data
Meu décimo primeiro projeto em que crio um datalakehouse usando computação distribuído no databricks
StreamFlake: Real-Time CDC Pipeline with Kafka and Snowflake
We will create a sample lakehouse using Docker, execute an ETL process with Spark, and then access the data in the Iceberg table format from the Nessie Catalog.
This repo is to run a quick demo for how to spin up an Apache Iceberg application.