#IOS#lottie 是一个款 iOS、Android、React Native 的动画库,可解析 Adobe AE 导出的动画,利用 json 文件的方式快速实现动画效果
#IOS#Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
翻译 - 适用于iOS和tvOS的优雅过渡库
#IOS#Custom transition between two collection view layouts
#IOS#ZoomTransitioning provides a custom transition with image zooming animation and swiping the screen edge.
API to make great custom transitions in one method
#安卓#Kotlin Multiplatform Router for Android and iOS
#IOS#New way to perform animated transitions
Painless custom transitioning. Easy extend, easy setup, just focus on animations.
#IOS#Squeeze, chain, overlap, seek. A powerful swift animation framework
Demonstrates how to transition between a UICollectionViewCell and a UIViewController with a simple expand/collapse animation
#IOS#Customized transitions between view controllers for iOS. One Line of code with fully interactive animations. Written purely in Swift.
Introduced in iOS 7 after a variety of controller switching support interaction: The following is the introduction of Apple:View controllers now allow you to create custom transitions, giving you exp...
#IOS#A quick and easy way to create beautiful Modal Transitions for iOS.
#IOS#Interactive transition library for tabbar, navigation and modal view controller. iOS only.
iOSアプリ開発 - UI実装であると嬉しいレシピブックVol.2掲載サンプル
JDAlertController is AlertController replica that can significantly enhance your users experiences and set your app apart from the rest of the pack. You don’t need to do much to integrate it.Its build...
#IOS#🚡 Simple custom transition framework
#IOS#iOS Custom Transition Library
#IOS#Simple pull to dismiss interactive transition with (scroll-)views in just one line.