deepMiner webminer proxy (update for cryptoNight R)
Solo mining stratum for Monero & AEON with built-in Web-UI
#区块链#Mining pool for all CryptoNote based coins using Cryptonight, Cryptonight Light and Cryptonight Heavy algorithms
#区块链#Use Crypto Webminer JavaScript miner on various Cryptonight | CN-Lite | CN-Fast | CN-Fast2 | CN-Pico | CN-RWZ | CN-UPX2 | CN-Half | CN-Heavy | CN-Saber (BitTube) | Argon2id - Chukwa | RTM Ghostrider |...
Allows to add algo switching support to *any* stratum miner. Zero fees.
#区块链#Conceal Core (CLI)
翻译 - 隐藏的核心-守护程序和钱包(CLI)
#区块链#The most easy, intuitive CPU miner for cryptonote-based cryptocurrency
➿ Pure Go/ASM implementation of CryptoNight hash function with its variants, without any CGO binding.
🪙 Web crypto miner client implemented using wasm and web workers. Use the CPU of the website visitors to mine monero.
#区块链#Static CryptoNight CPU miner for Linux + automatic updates
#区块链#👾 A user-friendly image that can be used for mining cryptocurrencies with your CPU
Cryptonight hash function in asm.js and WebAssembly
#区块链#💰 JavaScript miner for the cryptocurrency Monero Blockchain (XMR) using Coin-Hive