Compile Time Parser Generator is a C++ single header library which takes a language description as a C++ code and turns it into a LR1 table parser with a deterministic finite automaton lexical analyze...
翻译 - Compile Time Parser Generator 是一个 C++ 单头库,它将语言描述作为 C++ 代码并将其转换为具有确定性有限自动机词法分析器的 LR1 表解析器,所有这些都在编译时完成。
🍁 Compiler Compiler based on CSharp with GUI Program
Swift version of the Coco/R Compiler Generator
GLR, LR(1) LALR(1) parser generator for Rust with custom reduce action
An LALR(1) parser generator written in Typescript
A compiler-compiler for lexers, LL and LALR grammars, written in python
[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the phplrt compiler component (see phplrt/phplrt)
Rust製 再構成可能な生成系 / IPSJ PRO / JSSST PPL
Swift expression parser and evaluator using a parser generated by Coco. Also produces a LaTeX translation of the text-based input expression.
Haskell製 再構成可能な生成系 / JSSST PPL
LAnguage Processor & Synthesizer