The commitizen command line utility. #BlackLivesMatter
翻译 - commitizen命令行实用程序。
A commitizen adapter for the angular preset of
Pre-flight linter for Jinja2/Ansible repositories with Git pre-commit hooks
commitlint - Lint commit messages for Dart and Flutter projects
Commitizen adapter following the conventional-changelog format, with emojis. 🎉
commit-linter helps you lint your commit messages according to commit conventions
Git commit message hook
automatically prepend branch name in git commit message, useful when working with feature/branches and a jira for example
Test automation tool to assist running something, and checking something, then reporting something; when you commit something.
Smoothly create changelogs from commits
Webpack configs for a React project. Setup your project right away with the basics of everything you will need
The antd+TS, tailwindcss, styled-components, react-router, react-query template for Create React App
A small terminal tool to help with commit messages using Charm's gum
A set of local git hooks to enforce some guidelines when working with master/develop/feature branches rebase-only model
Check that git commit messages are formatted according to certain guidelines.
A Git post-commit hook that saves your non-owned commits to keep your GitHub (or other) commit graph intact.
Default git template to setup and configure basic linters. This can also be used to set up pre-commit and commit-msg hooks afterwards, within existing repositories
Commit Standardization with Commitlint and Commitizen, inspired by Holivane's approach, for clearer and organized commit messages.