A Cloud Native Buildpack that contributes Spring Boot dependency information and slices an application into multiple layers
A Cloud Native Buildpack with an order definition suitable for Java applications
A Cloud Native Buildpack that provides the Bellsoft Liberica implementations of JREs and JDKs
A Cloud Native Buildpack that creates native images from Java applications
A Cloud Native Buildpack that provides the GraalVM implementations of JREs and JDKs
A Cloud Native Buildpack that builds Maven-based applications from source
A Cloud Native Buildpack that builds Gradle-based applications from source
A Cloud Native Buildpack that adds custom CA certificates to a build and a created image
A Cloud Native Buildpack that embeds environment variables into an image
ČNB, ECB, RB exchange rates, fiat exchange, built-in cache, expandable for other banks, PSR-7, 17, 18