#大语言模型#The official gpt4free repository | various collection of powerful language models | o3 and deepseek r1, gpt-4.5
#大语言模型#chatGPT 演示站,基于OenAI API
#大语言模型#Providing a free OpenAI GPT-4 API ! This is a replication project for the typescript version of xtekky/gpt4free
#大语言模型#ChatGPT Java SDK。支持 GPT-4o、 GPT4 API。开箱即用。An unofficial Java SDK for seamless integration with ChatGPT's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 APIs. Ready-to-use, simple setup, and efficient for building AI-powered appli...
#大语言模型#基于大模型的智能对话客服工具,支持微信、拼多多、千牛、哔哩哔哩、抖音企业号、抖音、抖店、微博聊天、小红书专业号运营、小红书、知乎等平台接入,可选择 GPT3.5/GPT4.0/ 懒人百宝箱 (后续会支持更多平台),能处理文本、语音和图片,通过插件访问操作系统和互联网等外部资源,支持基于自有知识库定制企业 AI 应用。
#大语言模型#Aila(AI超元域): The premier AI integration tool for Windows, macOS, and Android. Ask once, get answers from 10+ AIs like ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude3, Copilot, Poe, perplexity and more. Features customizable...
#Awesome#🏆 An awe-inspiring collection of resources, encompassing a wide range of tools, documents, resources, applications, and use cases related to ChatGPT.
#大语言模型#I leverage OpenAI and ChatGPT to do hackerish things
#大语言模型#Create a private chatgpt website via vercel
#安卓#LLaMA (Language Learning for Machine Translation) adalah proyek riset yang diprakarsai oleh Facebook AI Research (FAIR) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas terjemahan mesin menggunakan pendekat...
#大语言模型#Java client library for OpenAI API.Full support for all OpenAI API models including Completions, Chat, Edits, Embeddings, Audio, Files, Assistants-v2, Images, Moderations, Batch, and Fine-tuning.
#安卓#Compose ChatGPT Kotlin - Android Chatbot using Kotlin + Jetpack Compose + Coroutine + MVVM + Retrofit2 + OpenAI's GPT-3 API. Allow stream response from ChatGPT API.
#大语言模型#最新ChatGPT Plus开通攻略:如何使用国内支付宝充值购买ChatGPT Plus帐号和ChatGPT Pro帐号?本文将会手把手地教大家如何在中国大陆使用支付宝充值ChatGPT Plus会员,而且本教程亲测真实有效,我们已经稳定使用ChatGPT Plus一年多,没有遇到任何问题。此外,ChatGPT Plus开通的整个流程也仅需十分钟!
python is tools! 通过制作python工具,从而学习更好的学习python。如:制作抖音、快手下载器,v2ray代理池,电商关键词探索,App自动化,word文档,视频剪辑,ChatGPT-3/4等等工具!
#算法刷题#AI-powered browser extension that enhances your leetcode and hacker-rank experience.
#大语言模型#BingGPT Discord Bot that can handle /ask & /imagine prompts using reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat under the hood