helm chart repository server
翻译 - 托管您自己的 Helm Chart 存储库
Helm plugin to push chart package to ChartMuseum
Go library providing common interface for working across multiple cloud storage backends
Misc collection of grafana dashboards used to visualize Prometheus metrics for Kubernetes Cluster
Go library for generating JWT Tokens, authorizing HTTP requests, etc.
Example server providing JWT tokens for ChartMuseum auth
interacts with a Chart Museum instance or Harbor (Kubernetes Helm Charts storage)
Helm plugin to start a ChartMuseum web server
This action package a helm chart and publish it to your chartmuseum.
CNCF Webinar Series – Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes Apps with Helm and ChartMuseum
Terraform module to provision an S3 bucket for Helm chart repository, and an IAM role and policy with permissions for Kops nodes to access the bucket
Tool to check a storage directory for evil charts
Terraform stack to setup Chartmuseum Docker container on Cloud Run.
[IN PROGRESS] Go library for the ChartMuseum API
☸ All in KIND