💰 Ocular - A simplistic, beautiful and straight-forward, open-source budgeting tracking app to track your budget across the years. Easy to use, to get started and to set up.
Simple, Encrypted Budgets & Expenses. 💵
💸 Download from your banks and credit cards straight to your computer
Create simple AWS Budgets notifications
git-inspired command line budgeting application
PesaYetu, an easy-to-use visualization tool that helps journalists quickly find, analyse and compare government budget data to help fact-check claims about resource allocations, public procurement and...
An budgets app, made with node.js, typescript and mongodb in server ⚙ And react.js with next.js in frontend 🖥 (frontend hosted at vercel)
Personal Finance Application. Forecasting Money Available In Your Accounts Based on a Budget
#IOS#Mobile app for simple budget management.
Create AWS Budgets notifications.
Terraform module to provision an AWS Budgets.
The application is intended to manage family expenses and income. The Desktop Application is developed in JAVA. It follows the SOLID principles and uses the MVC pattern as Software Design.
OpenLeadership AI Tools empowers leaders with AI-driven tools for better decision-making. It includes features such as AI-powered budgeting to analyze, predict, and optimize budgets effortlessly, dyna...
Surplus estimates how much surplus money you will have each month. This calculation is based on your monthly expenses and income. It's simple interface allows for the input and deletion of recurring a...
My first Fullstack Development Project. This is an Expense Tracker System for tracking, editing expenses. Developed using Express.js framework for backend and MySQL for Database interraction, HTML and...