Blazorise is a component library built on top of Blazor with support for CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Tailwind, Bulma, AntDesign, and Material.
翻译 - Blazorise是在Blazor之上构建的组件库,它支持CSS框架,如Bootstrap,Bulma,AntDesign和Material。
C# .NET 7 Blazor habit tracker application. Works on Web, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS and macOS.
Free Blazor wams layouts which integrated with Abp VNext
C# .NET 5 Blazor WebAssembly Progressive Web Application that tracks when was the last time you did something
Filter a paged list (Blazorise DataGrid component) in an ABP Framework application with a Blazor user interface.
Adding support for Gantt charts
A web implementation of the popular game Minesweeper, built using Blazor Web Assembly and ABP.
Repo for the page
Proyecto Blazor con Nested Tabs (Tabs Anidados) y Modals usando la libreria blazorise