Yet Another BetterDiscord Plugin for Nitro features. Unlock screensharing modes, use cross-server and gif emotes and much more!
A collection of my BetterDiscord plugins
BetterDiscord plugin to switch between multiple accounts
#安全#End-To-End File & Message Encryption For Discord
all my stuff for betterdiscord
This repo holds all the plugins I made for Discord.
BetterDiscord Stereo Plugin, better discord stereo plugin
Fork of DevilBro's ShowHiddenChannels plugin for BetterDiscord, works after guideline change.
My Plugins for @betterdiscord
Neodymium's plugins and CSS Snippets for BetterDiscord
Plugin/addon/mod for Discord. Adds panel that loads pictures via settings file with used files and links, allowing you to send pictures in chat with or without text by clicking on pictures preview on ...
A collection of BetterDiscord plugins which were unjustly removed or unjustly never added to the official plugins repo.
A simple bundler for BetterDiscord plugins. Bundles plugins composed of multiple files/modules. Allows for the use of Typescript, JSX, CSS, CSS preprocessors, and more.
Otro complemento más de BetterDiscord para las funciones de Nitro. ¡Desbloquea modos de pantalla compartida, usa emoticones gif y entre servidores y mucho más!
StereoSound plugin fixed after "that" Discord update
Plugins and themes for BandagedBetterDiscord
best stereo plugin for better discord
A plugin for Bandaged BetterDiscord (BDB) that has some random, potentially useful tools
Hide messages sent from anyone that you hate without being noticed.
Bypass discord chat filter bots with ease and elegance!