Define infrastructure resources using programming constructs and provision them using Azure ARM templates
Shows how to build a set of linked templates with conditions, loops, array and complex parameters
A CLI to generator C# types for Azure ARM resources from the corresponding json schemas of Azure ARM.
Azure RM template that creates VM template and Azure DevOps pipeline that does deployment
Azure ARM Template and associated PowerShell deployment script to create a Linux VM
Azure AutoTagger is a lightweight, low-cost serverless solution that can easily be deployed to an Azure subscription. Azure AutoTagger automatically applies a LastModifiedBy and LastModifiedTimestamp ...
This shows some examples of ARM and Terraform templates along with a feature comparison.
Workshop for integrating Dynamics 365 Customer Insights and Azure Data Services
Create an Azure Web App, Create a storage account, Create a container inside the storage account, Create SQL server, Create SQL server database, Set the username and password for your database, Set th...
Converts YAML to Azure ARM Template Parameters files, helping you control deployments into multiple environments, globally.
Azure RM template for Databricks and Azure DevOps pipeline that does Databricks workspace and cluster deploy
Cloud services for defining, ingesting, transforming, analyzing and showcasing big data
A set of Azure ARM templates for big data architectures in Azure
Example Azure ARM template and usage steps to automatically deploy an Azure App Service instance, the Contrast .NET / .NET Core Extension and its configuration
Azure ARM Template for Stream Analytics Streaming Jobs with inputs and outputs
Azure Data Factory: Copy files from AWS S3 to Azure Blob Storage