Modularized AWS SDK for JavaScript.
AWS Inventory in a single HTML file using JS AWS-SDK & Bootstrap
翻译 - 使用JS AWS-SDK和Bootstrap在单个HTML文件中的AWS库存
React Native AWS Cognito JS SDK
A Pi Zero and Motion based webcamera that forwards images to Amazon Web Services for Image Processing
A simple note taking application using modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3)
Codemod scripts to update AWS SDK for JavaScript APIs.
Code Sample for testing AWS SDK for JavaScript
An open source serverless content management system and static page generator
Native Google Apps Script support for Amazon AWS SDK for JavaScript
Get a Amazon Web Service Token via desktop GUI
An AWS IAM database authentication token signer for RDS, implementing RDS.Signer for AWS SDK for JS v3
Testing aws-sdk-client-mock
A typescript definition to use aws api-gateway
Extend AWS SDK request error with the request information
The current aws-sdk-js version on AWS Lambda, useful for testing
A simple AWS EC2 Instance manager with Cognito Authentication, show instances status and allow power on/off and edit security group