Saves up to 90% of AWS EC2 costs by automating the use of spot instances on existing AutoScaling groups. Installs in minutes using CloudFormation or Terraform. Convenient to deploy at scale using Stac...
翻译 - 可轻松,可靠地将(所有)现有AutoScaling组转换为便宜的竞价型实例的工具
Terraform module to create AWS Auto Scaling resources 🇺🇦
Graceful AWS scaling event on Kubernetes using lifecycle hooks
Wave Autoscale (Open Source Version) - Deprecated. We have transitioned to a AI-powered version of Wave Autoscale.
This repository includes some AWS Cloud Quest. it not include the cloud practitioner labs
AWS Lambda function for making Route 53 changes via ASG lifecycle hooks
This project demonstrates the integration with AWS Auto Scaling service and .NET Core, using SAM for building and test.
Spoptimize: Replace AWS AutoScaling instances with spot instances
Here is a project for Autoscaling Group rolling update, which has been automated with Ansible and Jenkins
Terraform module providing a simple AWS Lambda function to update Launch Template for Auto Scaling Group to use the latest AMI stored in SSM Parameter.
A Terraform module to quickly deploy a secure, persistent, highly available, self healing, efficient, cost effective and self managed single-node or multi-node MongoDB NoSQL document database cluster ...
Golang Lambda function that automatically updates (adds/removes) Security Group's rules with the public IPs of the instances of an AWS Autoscaling Group
Terraform module to manage autoscaling for an ECS Service based on an SQS queue
Automatically manage Zabbix monitored hosts with AWS SNS
AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Terraform Module
CloudFormation template for autoscaling and zero downtime deployments
Use AWS CloudFormation to deploy Atlassian Jira onto STIG-hardened EL7 Amazon instances
Terraform module that creates the resources in order to be able to update the security group rules based on an AWS Autoscaling Groups's IPs
MutliTenant UML parser SaaS application demonstrating 3-tier architecture with AWS Application Load balancing and Auto Scaling features along with specific data multi tenancy features using Amazon RDS...