A cross-platform command-line tool to convert images into ascii art and print them on the console. Now supports braille art!
翻译 - 一个跨平台的命令行工具,用于将图像转换为 ascii 艺术并在控制台上打印它们。现在支持盲文艺术!
#编辑器#The editor for ASCII-graphics, combining a graphical editor and an image to text converter. Decorate your text and surprise your readers with an original social media post or blog post using ASCII gra...
a library for showing images and videos in terminal
💼 A zero dependency npm package for the web🌐 to convert images 🖼 to ASCII.
Creates ASCII art in Java from Images. It can also save the ASCII art as image (.png) as well.
Transform an image into asciis characters.
This program takes an image (png, jpg, jpeg) and turns it into ascii art. it can produce still images, animations and loops.
Webapp to convert any given image to an image formed by ascii characters
You can change your picture to ASCII image
Generate Japanese inspired ascii art.
A library for terminal UI components in Python
Making ASCII art with commits' messages on GitHub
A collection nostalgic Ascii Arts
Image To ASCII With Interface - used to convert images to ASCII symbols with GUI and multi-thread features