🏗️MSON Lang: Generate an app from JSON
App generator with everything exposed for maximum control (powered by TypeScript, ESBuild, Jest, ESLint, GitHub Actions, Prettier, and more)
React, Vue.js App Generator
Micro-framework, application generator and CLI wrapped around the Sinatra DSL.
翻译 - 围绕Sinatra DSL的微框架,应用程序生成器和CLI。
Flask-Now is a Flask Application Generator/Build-Tool runs via CLI
Free DevTools, DB Tools, CSV Processors, Apps, and Dashboards | App-Generator.dev
App Generator - Deliver your projects faster | AppSeed
Vuejs Argon Design - Built with Automation Tools | AppSeed App Generator
generator for quickly create webapp, it contains popular front-end technology templates
Yeoman generator for a new Adobe I/O App
OpenApi Generator - Flexible Full-stack (backend, frontend) Solution | AppSeed
AIO downloader for Appseed Project templates - Open-Source Tool | AppSeed
This repo provides a list of phprad helpful resources to make learning easier.
This repo provides a list of Radsystems Studio helpful resources to make learning easier.
Hydra is a app generation product. Hydra aims to reduce the "concept to market" capability of software development to 20%.
Fegeya Generafor, Your website no longer only website, It's an application.
Moxo QuickWeb Studio is a powerful tool that allows developers of web-based applications to create native Windows applications with no code. Users can create .NET apps that can be edited in Visual Stu...
Convert any URL or executable into a stand-alone MacOS app.