#安卓#The app for BLE ether monitoring tracks your environment, finds some devices, makes relations between devices around you, and tracks devices' movements.
BLESSED, a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library for Android
#安卓#A simple, lightweight library intended to take away some of the cruft and tediousness of using the Android BLE.
The Android Ble framework supports Kotlin coroutine, chain call, mtu subcontracting and packaging, and perfect ota support, perfectly adapting to the current Android development and programming style
BLE客户端框架,使BLE请求像HTTP请求一样简单易用(A library of Android BLE Client, make the BLE request as easy as okhttp)
一个用于扫描BLE设备的安卓框架(A library for scanning ble device on android)
#安卓#A library that makes working with Bluetooth LE on Android .
#安卓#The *.aia project for MIT App Inventor 2 and the arduino sketch for the Adafruit nRF52832 to communicate via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
An Android Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Server Library with RxJava3 interface
#安卓#Android scaffolding code to scan for BLE devices
#安卓#An Android library providing Wrapper APIs to interact with beacons.