#安卓#Bundletool is a command-line tool to manipulate Android App Bundles
翻译 - Bundletool是用于操纵Android App Bundles的命令行工具
#安卓#🔥🔥Qigsaw ['tʃɪɡsɔ] is a dynamic modularization library which is based on Android App Bundles(Do not need Google Play Service). It supports dynamic delivery for split APKs without reinstalling the ba...
翻译 - 🔥🔥Qigsaw['tʃɪɡsɔ]是基于Android App Bundles(不需要Google Play服务)的动态模块化库。它支持动态交付拆分APK,而无需重新安装基础APK。
#安卓#The tool of obfuscated aab resources.(Android app bundle资源混淆工具)
#安卓#A demo app to show how to implement Android App Bundle in your Android app.
aabc is a utility that checks whether Android apps are published using Android App Bundles (AAB) or as monolithic APKs.
Basic library to parse metadata Android App Bundle (.aab) files. Extracted and adapted from https://github.com/google/bundletool.
#安卓#Google Play AAB Uploader script/docker image/GitHub action
#安卓#Ejemplo de implementacion de Dynamic Delivery de Android app Bundle en una aplicacion
#安卓#A standalone tool for offline signing of Android App Bundles