🌻 Flexible and fast ZSH plugin manager
翻译 - Zinit 是一个灵活快速的 Zshell 插件管理器
Feature-rich syntax highlighting for ZSH
Real-world configuration files (basically zshrc-s) holding Zinit (former Zplugin) invocations
zsh module for automatically compiling sourced files
zinit package repository
👨🏻💻 My dotfiles including Neovim Lua config, ZSH with zinit plugin manager & powerlevel10k prompt
Flexible and fast Zsh plugin manager with clean fpath, reports, completion management, Turbo, annexes, services, packages.
翻译 - 超灵活,快速的Zsh插件管理器,具有干净的fpath,报告,完成管理,Turbo,附件,服务,软件包。