Python wrapper around the xcrun utility
iSimulator is a GUI utility to control the Simulator, and manage the app installed on the simulator.
翻译 - iSimulator是一个GUI实用程序,用于控制模拟器并管理模拟器上安装的应用程序。
Swift client-server tool to call xcrun simctl from your simulator. Automate push notification testing!
PackageApplication is still here waiting for you, even if Xcode 8.3.2 excluded it, so what ? `xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v -o $(pwd)/youapp.ipa`
Automate overriding the status bars for all running iOS simulators
Swift wapper around Xcodebuild, Agvtool, and other Xcrun tools, built with
Cross-platform test runner
Use `xcrun segedit` instead
根据xcarchive原始文件和crash崩溃日志文件,定位代码问题出现点。自动获取和读取dsym文件。使用xcrun atos命令,对arm64,armv7内存位置进行解析