A public repository of verifiable claims about organizations. A key component of the Verifiable Organization Network.
A demonstration of the verifiable organization network showing a new restaurant gathering the permits necessary to open.
Verifiable Organization Network Connector
A portable development level Indy Node network.
ACA-Py is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
翻译 - Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) 是构建在非移动环境中运行的去中心化身份应用程序和服务的基础。
Secure storage designed for Hyperledger Aries agents.
A library and proxy server for interacting with Hyperledger Indy Node ledger instances
Public Slack organizations made easy
翻译 - 公共Slack组织变得容易
Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
翻译 - 适用于GitHub组织的侦察工具
🎯 HackerTarget ToolKit - Tools And Network Intelligence To Help Organizations With Attack Surface Discovery 🎯
翻译 - 🎯HackerTarget ToolKit-帮助组织进行攻击面发现的工具和网络情报🎯
siva - seekable indexed verifiable archiver
W3C Verifiable Credentials implementation in JavaScript
A transparent, highly scalable and cryptographically verifiable data store.
翻译 - 透明,高度可扩展且可加密验证的数据存储。
this implements verifiable secret sharing
Builds a blockchain network and application to track donations to non-profit organizations, using Amazon Managed Blockchain
翻译 - 使用Amazon Managed Blockchain构建区块链网络和应用程序以跟踪对非营利组织的捐赠
Publicly verifiable and Ethereum-based voting system
#大语言模型#MindsDB 是一个让使用者只需懂数据库SQL,即可利用机器学习做预测分析的工具
👫 Multi-user accounts for Django projects
An implementation of Verifiable Delay Functions in Rust
【百万级】100w/s 高性能, 推广码、兑换码、序列号生成器. 可验证,可追溯,不重复,不可推测.
A cryptographically verifiable code review system for the cargo (Rust) package manager.
翻译 - 用于货物(铁锈)包裹管理者的可加密验证的代码检查系统。
Hypercerts is a Verifiable Claims Manager