Parse and stringify URL query strings
翻译 - 解析和字符串化URL查询字符串
🌐 URL parsing and manipulation made easy.
url() - A simple, lightweight url parser for JavaScript
[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] A JS utility for for parsing URLs and extracting information out of them.
Parse, build and manipulate URL's
Lightweight URL argument and parameter parser
Parsing URL (rfc3986) with re2c
Python module for iCal URL/file parsing and querying.
A standard library for mattn/go-sqlite3 including best-effort date parsing, url parsing, math/string functions, and stats aggregation functions
Free Modern URL Shortener.
翻译 - 免费的现代URL缩短器。
Node.js body parsing middleware
Javascript URL mutation library
翻译 - Javascript URL突变库
A Ruby-based parsing DSL based on parsing expression grammars.
翻译 - 基于解析表达式语法的基于Ruby的解析DSL。
Pythonic HTML Parsing for Humans™
翻译 - 适用于人类的Pythonic HTML解析™
📕 parsing techniques 中文译本——《解析技术》
A pure-Python module that implements an LR(1) parser generator, as well as CFSM and GLR parser drivers.
URL Standard
Parsing HTML at the command line
翻译 - 在命令行解析HTML
ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
翻译 - ECMAScript解析基础架构,可进行多用途分析