将Typora伪装成LaTeX的中文样式主题,本科生轻量级课程论文撰写的好帮手。This is a theme disguising Typora into Chinese LaTeX style.
十二种主题风格 - Material Google JetBrains Vue Juejin Purple Ayu Dark
翻译 - 🍙typora 主题,用于简单的扁平深色 vue ayu 紫色
A CSS style for Typora
翻译 - Typora的CSS样式
This is a typora theme inspired by Vue document style. 一个类似于 Vue 文档风格的 Typora Markdown 编辑器主题。
A Typora Theme - 一个 Typora 主题
A Typora theme, inspired by Bear
翻译 - Typora主题,灵感来自Bear
A dark theme for Typora with enhanced UI
翻译 - 具有增强的UI的Typora的深色主题
A purple theme for Typora
翻译 - Typora的紫色主题
Typora theme: Cement.
Typora 主题: Aspartate。Typora Theme Aspartate.
A typora markdown theme
Blubook, a flat typora theme.
A typora theme. 一个 Typora 主题
Typora theme for 中文
A typora theme inspired by tinylight (vscode) and Ursine (typora).
Shizuku(雫)theme for Typora
A beautiful, Notion-inspired Typora theme
Typora dark theme inspired by Apple Notes
A dark theme for Typora inspired by VScode's One Dark Pro theme.
翻译 - VScode的One Dark Pro主题启发了Typora的黑暗主题。
Make things easier to preview/debug a typora theme
This is a typora theme inspired by pie and ursine theme. 一个typora主题,具有pie和ursine风格。
A nice theme designed for Typora in Windows 11.
翻译 - A nice theme designed for Typora in Windows 11.
Yet another elegant Typora theme designed with aesthetics in mind.