🚀 Awesome Tauri Apps, Plugins and Resources
Rapidly scaffold out a new tauri app project.
Unofficial ChatGPT desktop app for Mac & Windows menubar using Tauri & Rust
A Beautiful Private and Secure Desktop Investment Tracking Application
Tauri + Vite + Vue 3 + Vuetify 3 desktop app template
Visual Studio Code Extension for Tauri apps development
HuLa is a desktop instant messaging app built on Tauri+Vue3 (not just instant messaging)
A Tauri tray app starter 🦀
This project template should help get you started developing a multi-platform desktop application with tray menu using Tauri, Typescript, Tailwind CSS, and Vite.
Tauri 项目:ChatGPT App
A Tauri & SvelteKit desktop app using @sveltejs/adapter-static
A tauri app that is also a libp2p node?🤯
A Tauri based GUI app that upscale images using Real-ESRGAN model.
Rust on mobile made easy!
ChatGPT desktop app for Mac, Windows and Linux menubar using Tauri
Build your Web application as a Tauri binary for macOS, Linux and Windows
Tauri and Leptos example.
OpenAI ChatGPT desktop app for Mac, Windows, & Linux menubar using Tauri & Rust
Exemplary real world app built with Rust + Yew + WebAssembly, by Function Components + Hooks, also supports desktop by Tauri.
Completely typesafe Tauri commands
Cross-platform WebView library in Rust for Tauri.