Source code for Batman Returns (Sega CD)
JavaScript port of the 68k Sega CD FMV classic
Emulationstation theme based on the Sega Genesis Mini UI
Disassembly of US Sega CD BIOS
Sega Genesis/Megadrive CD Back-up RAM Cart
The Gens rerecording project, a Sega Genesis, 32x, Sega CD emulator. The primary purpose is to expand features related to creating Tool-Assisted movies.
A Firmware for Sega DIMM Boards that allow to run CD-R as well as a tool to generate compatible images
Sega Genesis for MiSTer
Open-source Sega Dreamcast emulator
A Sega Genesis inspired synthesizer
Reicast was a multiplatform Sega Dreamcast emulator
翻译 - Reicast是一款多平台Sega Dreamcast模拟器
Operating system for the Sega Dreamcast
JavaScript Sega Master System Emulator
Argo-CD Autopilot
A deliberately vulnerable CI/CD environment. Learn CI/CD security through multiple challenges.
Minimum Viable Continuous Delivery
A open Sega Genesis cartridge PCB
An updated version of GBDK, C compiler, assembler, linker and set of libraries for the Nintendo Gameboy, Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear.
翻译 - GBDK的更新版本,C编译器,汇编器,链接器和Z80的一组库,例如Nintendo Gameboy。
MEKA - Sega 8-bit emulator with debugging/hacking tools