#前端开发#Easily create front-end style guides with Markdown and Sass/SCSS.
翻译 - 使用Markdown和Sass / SCSS轻松创建前端样式指南。
Creating our first component, homepage and adding scss to help us with writing our styles
🎨 Curated list of awesome Sass and SCSS frameworks, libraries, style guides, articles, and resources.
🌾 Seed project for Angular libraries that are AOT/JIT compatible and that use external SCSS-styles and HTML-templates
Batch create, manage and update Sketch styles and symbols using SCSS/LESS
Family.scss is a set of Sass mixins which will help you to manage the style of :nth-child'ified elements, in an easy way.
翻译 - Family.scss是一套Sass mixins,可以帮助您轻松地管理:nth-child'ified元素的样式。
scss/sass style processor for sprity
A collection of SCSS specific linting rules for Stylelint
#前端开发#Sierra SCSS library
翻译 - Sierra SCSS库
Gulp plugin to lint scss files with `scss-lint`
SCSS compiler written in PHP
翻译 - 用PHP编写的SCSS编译器
Flexible Grid System Scss Plus
翻译 - 柔性网格系统Scss Plus
#UI框架#Bulma SCSS - The Bulma CSS Framework files converted to SCSS syntax
Animated CSS/SCSS Buttons
翻译 - 动画CSS / SCSS按钮
SCSS version of normalize.css
Remove unused styles from CSS
翻译 - 从CSS删除未使用的样式
Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting
翻译 - Matplotlib样式用于科学绘图
🎉 Sassy starter - HTML / SCSS (SMACSS)
翻译 - :tada:轻松的启动器-HTML / SCSS(SMACSS)
pyScss, a Scss compiler for Python
翻译 - pyScss,Python的Scss编译器
Frontend development with pleasure. SCSS version
My coding styles.