RTSP/RTMP/HTTP hybrid server
RTSP server based on GStreamer. This module has been merged into the main GStreamer repo for further development.
Implementation of a streaming video server and client that communicate using the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) and send data using the Realtime Transfer Protocol (RTP)
Lightweight RTSP/RTP streaming media server
Plugin of rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java to stream directly to RTSP player.
RTP/RTSP stream server
Deprecated RTSP media server -- Use github.com/aler9/rtsp-simple-server instead.
a rtsp server.
Live555 RTSP Server test
ESP32-CAM as RTSP stream server
Gstreamer, Qt, RTSP server
HTML5 RTSP paly a HTML5 streaming server
Small rtsp server base-on Live555
USBCamera RTSP server and file server, based on live555.
Lightweight, zero-dependency proxy and storage RTSP server
RTSP Server for the Grain Media SOC
LiveNVR流媒体服务器软件,能够通过简单的摄像机通道配置、CDN配置等,将统监控行业里面的高清网络摄像机IP Camera、NVR、编码器设备接入到LiveNVR,将这些视频源的音视频数据采集到设备端,进行全平台终端直播;并且能够将视频源的直播数据对接到第三方视频平台、CDN网络,实现互联网直播分发;同时能实时云端录像、检索、回放。