An overhauled fork of the original Custom UI Editor for Microsoft Office, built with WPF
翻译 - 使用WPF构建的,用于Microsoft Office的原始自定义UI编辑器的大修版
A series of wrapper objects which provide a convenient .NET API for the MS Office Ribbon UI. Provides utilities for validating your ribbon modifications without the use of an MS Office host. Also prov...
An example of a custom Excel Ribbon using OfficeRibbonXEditor
Office Ribbon XML template code
🎀 Tracks the XP you earn from ribbons while playing.
if WinExists("XML is Valid") then ;MsgBox($MB_APPLMODAL,"XML is Valid","Your Ribbon Code is Valid",5) send("{ENTER}") send("^s") send("^w") winclose("Office RibbonX Editor") ru...